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來(lái)源: 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-08-27 瀏覽次數(shù):122
近些年快餐盒外賣行業(yè)的發(fā)展,一次性打包盒也不斷發(fā)展,隨著競(jìng)爭(zhēng)的家居,打包盒市場(chǎng)也不斷的更新升級(jí),傳統(tǒng)的泡沫飯盒已經(jīng)不能滿足人們對(duì)健康和環(huán)保的要求,因此正逐漸退出市場(chǎng),一次性環(huán)保打包盒抓住機(jī)遇順勢(shì)而起,成為人們打包盒的新選擇。當(dāng)然目前市場(chǎng)上一次性打包盒種類有很多,相信大家也不甚了解,今天 壹諾包裝就為大家詳細(xì)的介紹一下。
In recent years, the development of fast food box takeaway industry, the development of disposable packaging boxes is also developing. With the competition of home furnishing, the market of packaging boxes is constantly upgrading. Traditional foam lunch boxes can no longer meet people's requirements for health and environmental protection. Therefore, they are gradually withdrawing from the market. Once environmental packaging boxes seize opportunities, they will become a new choice for people to pack boxes. Of course, there are many kinds of disposable packaging boxes on the market. I believe you don't know much about it. Today, Yinuo packaging will give you a detailed introduction.
As a whole, disposable packing boxes can be divided into plastic type, paperboard type, starch type, pulp molding type, plant fiber type, degradable plastic lunch box, biological fully degradable lunch box and other types. Let's analyze them one by one.
The disposable lunch box made of plastic, that is, the disposable PP packing box and PS packing box, which are non-toxic, tasteless and odorless compared with other plastics, so they are especially suitable for holding hot meals and dishes. They can be heated in the microwave oven. At present, people can generally introduce them.
Paperboard snack box is made of 300-350 grams of bleached kraft wood pulp paperboard through a specific process. It is non-toxic and has no side effects on human body in the process of production and use. However, the quality requirements for paperboard are high, and the cost is also increased.
Starch type, edible fast food box with starch as raw material. This is a new type of lunch box, which is not very popular at present.
Pulp molding, which uses wood raw materials, first, it causes more damage to the use of trees, and second, it adds a lot of chemicals, which is not environmentally friendly enough, so we are not encouraged to buy.
In terms of environmental protection, plant fiber lunch boxes have obvious advantages. Using agricultural leftovers can become industrial raw materials, which is conducive to the comprehensive utilization of agricultural resources.
Degradable plastic lunch box. The raw material of this kind of lunch box is degradable plastic, but the current technology makes the degradable material only change from large to small, which can not fundamentally solve the pollution problem.
Biodegradable lunch box is an advanced environmental protection product. It takes starch as the main raw material, adds one-year plant fiber powder and special additives, and is processed by chemical and physical methods to make a biodegradable fast food box. Therefore, the pollution problem of general degradable lunch boxes is solved.