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來(lái)源: 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-07-26 瀏覽次數(shù):122
Many of our customers start to urge the production when they customize the packaging box, holding the effect drawing and quoting the size. However, the effect drawing is somewhat different from the actual gift packaging box, so it is particularly important to proofing first at this time.
Through proofing, we can find out what problems exist in the packaging box and what needs to be improved, such as changing the design, changing the paper, changing the color, etc. at the same time, we can know the time required to produce this packaging box, how long the construction period is, and the manufacturing process. This series of processes is also to meet the expectations of customers, and is conducive to faster batch production for the packaging box manufacturers, Shorten the construction period.
Determine the size and box type. The size of the box and the type of box used also determine the price of this sample box. Of course, the size and type of the box also determine the competitiveness of this product in the market.
The price of proofing. The price varies from hundreds to thousands according to different box types and materials used. Many customers will think that the price of proofing is high, so why is it high? In fact, the sample box will be more refined than the finished product in terms of printing and construction period, and the cost of use will be higher than that of volume production, because the materials will be customized according to this sample box.
When the packaging sample is made, another problem will appear? The customer did not carry out mass production of packaging boxes in the packaging factory where the samples were made, but chose to produce them in other packaging manufacturers. Therefore, the high cost of samples is also to avoid such problems. In other words, if you choose the same packing box manufacturer for subsequent batch production, the proofing fee will be reduced or even not charged.
所以我們?cè)诙ㄖ?a href="http://">食品包裝禮盒的時(shí)候,不要因?yàn)榇驑淤M(fèi)用高而省去包裝盒打樣這一重要的一環(huán)。在打樣過(guò)程中可以發(fā)現(xiàn)問(wèn)題,及時(shí)解決,精練包裝。所以建議品牌方在禮盒定制打樣時(shí)可以在工藝上進(jìn)行簡(jiǎn)化,這樣不僅可以減少費(fèi)用還可以縮短打樣制作的時(shí)間。
Therefore, when we customize food packaging gift boxes, we should not omit the important part of packaging box proofing because of the high cost of proofing. Problems can be found in the proofing process, solved in time, and refined packaging. Therefore, it is suggested that the brand can simplify the process when customizing and proofing the gift box, which can not only reduce the cost, but also shorten the proofing time.
In short, before making gift boxes, proofing is a very critical step. I hope it can help you with the problems you encounter in the proofing of gift boxes. If you need it, I will also serve you wholeheartedly. You can follow the website if you have questions http:// Consult customer service.